Meet the organizing team
EACI / Conference Background
Mission EACI (European Association for Creativity and Innovation)
Uniting academics & practitioners of creativity in innovation: to create together, for Europe and beyond.
Creativity & innovation are of top priority
EACI was formed as a network by enthusiast in 1986. At the end of the ‘80 and beginning of the ’90 of the previous century, the focus in business was on efficiency, and professionalization. A time of cutting cost and a time of Excel sheets. The need for a platform that would explore and stimulate creativity and innovation across Europa was obvious.
Around thirty years later EACI finds itself in a context in which creativity is mentioned as 3rd most important skill for Future Jobs in by World Economic Forum. Innovation is top-priority of businesses. In times of digitization and climate changes also governments feel the urgency to innovate. As creativity and innovation became so important, the question arises: is there still a need for EACI?
Yes! Now more than ever. We need to rise above our disciplines! Not multidisciplinary, not interdisciplinary but trans disciplinary. We need to reunite theory and practice.
Reuniting theory and practice
Nowadays, academics need to write valorisation paragraphs in their research proposals to demonstrate what their research can do for society. Practitioners need to proof that what they do is scientifically supported or else others don’t belief what they do is good. These are fixes of the wrong problem. The problem is the disconnection between researchers and practitioners. As our worlds grew apart we began to miss eachothers’ perspectives.
I think it is up to us to get them back together. We can do that by getting together ourselves. EACI, with Connect2Create, wants to take a next step in restoring that connection.
I hope to see you in Delft next November to participate in a event unlike any you have been to before. We will put our money where our mouth is, and put together a program that truly unites creativity and innovation practitioners & researchers. And yes, there will be parties as well.
I invite you to engage in this mission, as researcher and/or practitioner. Let’s connect and create!
The time is now.
Willemijn Brouwer
President EACI